DONATION project: New Therapy Center Schatrowo|

Objekt-Schatrowo "Gesunde Generation"

Since the beginning of 2017 we have been accompanying and supporting the construction project launched by our partner organization, the “Healthy Generation” Fund, in the Kaliningrad region, part of the old East Prussia in the small settlement of Schatrowo.

There, the Healthy Generation Fund has already rented a private house for a long time to carry out rehabilitation measures. Because the previous landlord wanted to sell the house at a high price, our Russian partners decided to build a new therapy center in the same place.

The construction of the new house started in May 2017.

The new building, or rather the facility, will serve as a rehabilitation center for people with drug problems.

The activities of the “Healthy Generation” Fund include:
1. Helping people suffering from various addictions (drug, alcohol, nicotine, and gambling addiction);
2. conducting educational programmes to prevent addiction in schools, and training facilities for young people;
3. working with families of addicts;
4. Organization of charity concerts, seminars, and conferences.

You can find more information about the start and progress of the “Schatrowo Project” here:
* Festive inauguration of the therapy center on 18.05.2019
STC Visit to GG Kaliningrad April 2019
Meeting with our Partners on January 28, 2019 in Penkun
* Project meeting with participants of GG Kaliningrad
* News from Schatrowo
* This is how the new future begins
Project news: 2016-051 – New Schatrowo therapy center
This is how the new future begins – April 2017
News about the DONATION project: New therapy center Schatrowo


Progress on the construction project

With the complete roofing the house was made winter-proof on 18.12.2017

(As of June 2018)

(As of September 2018)

(As of December 2018)

Schatrowo UmzugOn December 28, 2018, 13 people moved to the new house.
You now 
live very cramped on the ground floor, as the interior
is still missing
on the top floor. But we are very grateful that they
were now allowed 
to leave the old, soaked house. In the picture,
you see the proteges 
at dinner.





(As of May 2019)

The therapy center was inaugurated on May 18, 2019.

The 2-storey building with a total area of approx. 300 m^2 is equipped with following rooms:

  • 8 living rooms,
  • 5 sanitary areas,
  • 1 kitchen with a large dining room,
  • 1 administration room,
  • 1 conference room.
  • The maximum capacity of the therapy center is 20 people.

So far we have experienced a chain of miracles that makes us confident for the rest of the project.

We are therefore confident, that we will largely complete the new building and the work on the outdoor facilities planned in construction phase 11 by the end of 2019.

For the purchase of the neighboring property – area expansion / 12th construction phase, we handed over to our Russian partner in July 2019 a financing of 2,000 euros.

(As of November 2019)

Einfahrtstor Schatrowo

The complex fortification of the 100 m long private access road to the therapy center, due

to the damp and loamy soil, is done. We hope that by the end of the year the property can be equipped with a solid fence. For this 13th stage of construction – the fencing of the site – a total amount of € 13,000 will be needed. The EMG would like to participate with an amount of 8,000, which is still to be raised

We hope to achieve this through funding and donations, which otherwise would have to be prefinanced with a loan.

A courtyard entrance gate has already been built to clearly demarcate the private access route to the therapy center.
In the end, all
that remained, was to erect an outbuilding with a garage to finally complete the project.
This construction project is planned for 2021. The costs for this have not yet been


We are grateful for donations:

EMG e.V.
Sparkasse Uecker-Randow
IBAN: DE 14 15050400 3420001818
Verwendungszweck: SPENDE – PJ 2016-051

A drug therapy center, also operated by the “Healthy Generation”  Fund, has been in Snamenka for many years.
The EMG has provided financial and advisory support since 2010 and manages the income and expenditure for this drug aid project.
In 2019, the “Prussian Cooperative of the Order of St. John” supported us with a donation of EUR 500 to finance a front loader for work on the property of the therapy center “Snamenka”.