Schatrowo 1

On January 8,2020, a meeting with our partners from the “Healthy Generation” Kaliningrad about the further continuation of the project “Therapy Center Schatrowo” took place in Penkun.

In order to secure the property, a gate was installed in the access road already at the end of 2019. The currently mild weather conditions favour starting to build the fence. For this purpose a support of €4,000 was handed over.

Our long-standing and committed project manager Traugott von Below announced his resignation at the meeting on the occasion of his upcoming 80th birthday. He assures, however, that he will still be available for consultation in certain areas.

His more than twenty years of dedicated service to the people of the Snamenka and Schatrowo drug and therapy centers make us extremely grateful.

We wish him and his wife Helga God’s blessing with all our hearts and hope very much that there will be young people who will be inspired by his dedication, diligence, readiness to serve and sacrifice, humility and love and peace for the work of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Schatrowo Projekt