
On October 1, 2018, our partners from Kaliningrad arrived in Penkun for consultation and further planning of the construction phases 9 – 11 for the new construction of the Schatrowo therapy center.

The last installation works for water and gas could be completed at the end of August. In the case of the gas connection, massive price increases led to unexpected additional costs of over €2,000 for the approval procedures. These should be completed by the end of November. For this purpose a support of €2,000 from the budget of the project donations was handed over.

The current work on the 9th construction phase – interior fittings – has been concretised for the individual departments and is to be completed this year. A first installment of the promised support of “Hilfe für Brüder” (help for brothers) in the amount of €10,500 was handed over especially for this purpose.

Up to this point we have experienced a chain of miracles, which makes us confident for the rest of the project.

For the still missing funds of €20,300 to complete the interior work, we hope for a new miracle from God.

A drug therapy center, also operated by the “Healthy Generation” Fund, has been in Snamenka for many years.