ISDD Bibelschule

ISDD Bible school

We have been a partner of the ISDD Bible school since November 2019 and offer a Bible study in our „Haus der Mission” in Glasow for the training / preparation of our staff and all those interested in full-time service in the Kingdom of God. Take advantage of this valuable offer from the ISDD Bible school for your church congregation.


We cordially invite you to start your studies together in the “Haus der Mission”.
The introductory evening is November 22, 2019 with Markus Rapp, the head of Christus für Europa, who offers the study material in 70 languages through the Internationale Schule des Dienstes (ISDD Bible school).
This evening is free to get to know the Bible school program. Then each student inscribes himself on the list.
The tuition fee is 70.00 euros per semester. Later we can also offer the Bible study in Persian. The tuition fee for migrants is only 35.00 euros per semester.
The entire course (5 semesters) can be completed in 2 1/2 to 3 years.

from 22.11.2019 every Friday from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.

“Haus der Mission”
Randowstraße 1
17322 Glasow