Einweihung Schatrowo

Festive inauguration of the new therapy center in Schatrowo on May 18, 2019

“Dreams became true…” that was how Pastor Yuri from Siberia began his speech.

There were so many different ways to “dare” and launch a project like this therapy center. Since April 2017 we have been able to follow the progress of the construction project in Kaliningrad, which was started by our partner organisation, the “Healthy Generation” Fund (GG), in amazement, and to experience how God is seeking His labourers who have an open heart for lost souls. Until the inauguration, all participants experienced a chain of miracles that make us confident for a successful future of this project.

The speech of our mission leader, Frank Seidler, was also very powerful when he made it clear, that working with drug addicts is actually a ministry to those who are doomed to die. For most people, every addiction ends sooner or later with death, unless they actually convert to Jesus Christ from the very beginning. Our Lord is a God of the living. It must be made aware to every helper that life is not just dismissed with a one-time encounter with Jesus as Savior, but means a constant, sometimes painful, “work on oneself” so that Satan cannot bring the rehabilitated back into the abyss of death.

That is why the main concern of this therapeutic work, besides strengthening abstinence and work training, is above all to develop a firm and unshakable faith, so that everyone who later goes out again into the “world of temptations” will keep the experienced healing as deeply rooted in himself. This can only be preserved through a living fellowship with other believers and always with the Lord in mind.

The beginning of everything is based on the fact, that God puts something into the heart of a person and needs other people on this path WITH BELIEVE, WITH HOPE, WITH SUFFERING and PRAYER, so that this small seed will become a big tree that will bring MUCH fruit.

We wish God’s blessing to all our co-workers/staff. He will ensure that HIS PLANS become true.

Within the framework of the therapeutic drug help “Snamenka”, a drug therapy project also run by the “GG” fund, 52 marriages have been established so far, of which at least ONE of the spouses or even both have undergone therapy there and found their way to Jesus Christ. This has impressed me very much. Many of the “saved” are now committed to helping other people in need.

I wish from the bottom of my heart that this center will now become one as well. That people will not only be physically freed from their suffering, but also find an intimate and firm relationship with Jesus.

On May 17, one day before the inauguration, the remaining funds from Help for Brothers” with the amount of €500 were handed over to our Russian partner in Schatrowo for the final interior work.


We gratefully accept donations at:

EMG e.V.
Sparkasse Uecker-Randow
IBAN: DE 14 15050400 3420001818
Verwendungszweck: PJ 2016-051
