
1st topic: Update and planning adjustment of the remaining construction phases for the new construction of the rehabilitation center Schatrowo/RUS in Penkun

2nd topic: Handing over of €4,000 as advance payment of the support tranche of €4,500 promised by HfB for March 2019.

On January 28, 2019, our partners from Kaliningrad arrived in Penkun for the coordination and further planning of the construction phases 9 – 12 for the new building of the Schatrowo therapy center.

The last tiling work will be completed at the end of January 2019. In the further course of the interior work, which includes drywall construction as well as wallpapering and painting work, the remaining work on the upper floor of the building is to be completed in spring. For this purpose €4,000 from the project funds of “Hilfe für Brüder” were handed over. Extraordinary, a fire protection system has to be installed by a specialist company.

The construction phase 10 (interior decoration) includes the furnishing of the house with beds, cupboards, bedside tables, tables, and chairs. A local carpenter company has agreed to produce this furniture in time for the inauguration on May 18. The EMG was able to promise €4,500 by the end of March.

By the end of the year, the outdoor facilities in construction phase 11 are to be completed. In addition, the 100 m long access road to the property will be elaborately secured, due to the damp and loamy soil. Furthermore, the property is also to be provided with a solid fencing by the end of the year, which was defined as the position – enclosure of the site – in the 12th construction phase.

The last construction phase – ancillary building – is planned for 2021 and includes the completion of the parking spaces in front of the house, as well as the construction of an ancillary building with garage and necessary storage rooms. The final costs for this have not yet been calculated.

You are welcome to support us in realizing this project with your gifts.

Please kindly send your donations to:

Missionslager der
Europäische Missionsgemeinschaft e.V.
Am Markt 12 | 17328 Penkun

If it is not possible for you to hand in your donations, please kindly
call us: +49 (0) 39751 69870

We will make an arrangement to pick you up.

We gratefully accept donations at:

EMG e.V.
Sparkasse Uecker-Randow
IBAN: DE 14 15050400 3420001818
Verwendungszweck: PJ 2016-051 – Neubau Schatrowo