
Supporting the European Mission Fellowship (EMG e.V.) in rescuing slaves from ISIS

Dear Friends and readers,

To my great joy and personnel enrichment I can report that I was able to volunteer at the European Mission Fellowship (EMG) for one and a half week. During this time I was able to get to know the former ISIS sex slave named “Shirin”. It was an extraordinary experience to watch and learn and be able to help the EMG. Here is a short interview that I led with Frank Seidler, chairman of the EMG.

I: I am surprised at the many areas and countries your organization is supporting. Since when are you operating?

Frank Seidler

Frank Seider: The EMG has only existed for about ten years. There are ten service fields and in average we start a new project per week. We don’t create these projects, instead we get asked to support.

I: what overwhelmed me the most was your work regarding the displaced people and furthermore the redemption of ISIS slaves. What made you choose to do this?

Frank Seidler: In December 2015 I was invited to help the displaced Christians in the northern Iraqi refugee camps. During this two week stay, I had the opportunity to witness the colossal consequences of the misery that ISIS has brought over the inhabitants of this region.

Among many requests was also the question if we could take care of kidnapped Kurdish women and girls.

The fate of these women in particularly had already been burning in the hearts of the EMG board members.

I: I have heard of many mission agencies, but it was completely new to me, that one even takes a big loan to help people. Why did you do that?

Frank Seidler: Some of our projects are so urgent that we have to rely on the support by willing Christians. On the one hand they are not able to donate larger amounts, but are willing and have the sufficient confidence in the Mission Fellowship to let us use their savings.

That’s how it was in the specific case last month, when the request of our Iraqi partners was brought to our attention, if we could help to pay the ransom of 30 ISIS slaves.

Usually the concern that the money goes into the hands of criminals and aligns new disaster there predominates in all foundations, organizations and government agencies.

We on the other hand think from two different points of views. First off, god has redeemed us from the sphere of evil, by the most expensive thing he had, his only son, Jesus Christ. He has proved his love to us, even if his treasure is scorned and abused to this day.

On the other hand, several years ago the movie “Schindler’s List” came out and impressed almost all over the world (western world). Today, were we all having the opportunity to work with similar effort and effect to save people, our concerns outweighs the actions.

Don’t be discouraged, save the abandoned people concrete and for real. For the first group of released and saved prisoners we still need 40,000 euro to compensate.

This week we received the news, that there are nine more hidden people, we could save. Last week we had the opportunity to have “Shirin” as a guest. She is the 19 –year-old author of the shocking autobiography “I remain a daughter of the light”.

you need evidence? READ!


translated by Leonore Embree


Read more about it?

The suffering of a mother

When the pain is unbearable


“Women and girls that have fled need special protection”


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Sparkasse Uecker-Randow

IBAN: DE 14 1505  0400 3420 001818


PJ: 2016/007 Rehabilitation- Children and Women from IS-Slavery

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