DONATION project PJ 2018-029 – Emergency aid mission bus.

We have been restricted in our missionary work for a long time. Since our vehicles are no longer the youngest, they repeatedly suffer from signs of wear, which are associated with high repair costs. The mission bus is indispensable for our diverse aid transports and mission trips. Although it still does its job faithfully after half a million kilometers of driving and also has an appealing appearance, the costs of the life-support measures bring us to the financial limits.
In June 2018, we had to undertake a costly general overhaul due to an engine failure. Despite the cheapest workshop in Poland, the necessary repair costs amounted to almost 4,000 euros. For us this is an enormous amount that we cannot generate all at once, especially since the available finance is needed for ongoing projects. Several donations and two bridging loans helped us practically in 2018.

In order to be able to maintain our missionary activities across Europe in the long term, we not only rely on financial support, but rather on the provision of a vehicle that will remain operational for many years to come.
We would be very grateful for a new van that could benefit us as a gift.

Many thanks to everyone who supports the realization of our aid projects with gifts and prayer!

Feel free to contact us via our contact form or by phone at: +49 39751 69870

We are grateful for donations:

EMG e.V.
Sparkasse Uecker-Randow
IBAN: DE 14 150 504 00 342 000 1818
SPENDE – PJ 2018-0029 | Erhalt Missionsbus
